
Halloween Candy Buy Back

I love candy.
Let it be known.
I act like a kid.
Eventhough I'm grown.

Halloween means treats.
You get more than need be.
So why not send some OVERSEAS?! 


I know. It sounds a little sketch.
But, the notion's adorbs.
And there is no catch!

Have you heard of the {Halloween Candy Buy Back} program? No? Neither did I until a few short years ago. A fellow Multiple Mama friend of mine mentioned on The 'Book that her son took his H'ween candy...forked it over to the dentist...and received $1/pound of candy. 

Seems nice and all. But WHERE is the loot going, you ask? And, why exactly was this kiddo inspired to donate his trick-or-treat treasure so willingly? Well. When he handed over his sweets, the practice sent the goodies to soldiers who were stationed mannnnny miles away from Nifty New York.


Intrigued yet? Wanna join in the fun? Here's a bonus, HCBB has partnered with {Operation Gratitude} to ALSO send toothbrushes over to those brave souls along with the yummies. {Ya sold yet?}

Check to see if you have a participating location near you! Visit the program's official website, put in your deets, and on the 31st, hit your neighborhood streets! Even if you donate just 1 teeny tiny pound, you could be contributing to the over 130 tons of candy that has already been collected in this initiative.

{Go 'head with your bad self!}


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