

Today's October 15th...and if you're a Zeta...well hello there, sisters! Thanks for poppin' by on our special day!

I could take all day, week, month, year to express my love for this sisterhood. I don't care that I'm wayyyy past graduation. Once a Zeta - always a Zeta. I still wear my letters, and I wear them proud. {Granted, it's just around the house, but I still rock 'em!} The memories I made during 4 super short years on campus will live on in my heart forever. Although I was 496 miles away from home, my sistas gave me a sense of belonging. A sense of family in the Midwestern cornfields. A sense of perfect peace.

My badge sits safe and sound in my jewelry stand - tucked right alongside my gold officer dangles {and pearl for grades!}. The Twinados have been raised with "Greek" values since birth - learning about how crowns relate to strawberries...and how turquoise blue and steel grey will always be in fashion.

Today's our {Founder's Day} - and what better month to celebrate 'ol ZTA than in the month of OCTOBER?!

...but today's another time stamp! I don't want to miss a day of our 31-day journey, so I'm just leaving this lil excerpt here tonight so I can pop back soon with some Halloween photos from my Zeta Days.

Stay tuned for Pumpkins and Angels and Sig Eps...oh my!

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